Mae K. Weaver will celebrate her 90th birthday with a Come and Go Reception from 1:30 to 3:30 on Feb. 3 at Riverbend Assisted Living, 3820 Broadway in Great Bend. Hosts for the reception are special friends, Derinda Bussman, Teresa Bachand, Mary Sue Schneider and Riverbend Assisted Living.
Mae was born on Feb. 3, 1922 in Burlington. In 1949, she attended Kansas State University and was the first to graduate with a major in Home Economics and Journalism. She was employed with K-State Barton County Extension from 1952 to 1984 as a Home Economist.
Mae and her husband, Dr. Robert Weaver, will celebrate their 70th anniversary this September. She enjoys participating in her community clubs and is a charter member in Bungalow FCE, Thread Benders, Barton and Coffee County Historical Societies and HR PEO Club.
Mae Weaver 90th