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BCARSP meeting
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The Barton County Association of Retired School Personnel met at 11:30 a.m. on Dec. 14 at Montana Mike’s. President Rose Kelly called the meeting to order and led the flag salute. Becky Dudrey gave the invocation. A total of 50 were present, including five guests, John Basham, Donna Gales, Myrna Holthaus, Gordon Zahradnik and Rae Zahradnik.
The minutes of the Sept. 7 meeting were approved as printed. Dues of $20 for 2013 are due and payable to Danelda St. Aubyn.
Laverne Lessor, reporting for the Membership Committee, reminded everyone that the 2013 convention will be held in Hutchinson. Don Halbower, Legislative Chairman, reported that the legislature is organizing and we will know more in January. David Tinkler, Nominating Committee chairman, presented the following slate of officers: President, Sally O’Connor; Vice-president, Lois Johnson; Secretary, Judy Fox; Treasurer, Lennie Gales; Membership, Ann Lessor. The slate was unanimously approved and Laverne Lessor installed the new officers. Members with birthdays in October, November and December were recognized.
Gordon Zahradnik, the new District IV Director, made a few remarks, mostly reminiscing about his time teaching in Great Bend. Music in Motion, the vocal group from Great Bend Middle School, provided a wonderful program of holiday songs for everyone’s enjoyment.
The next meeting will be held at 11:30 a.m. on March 8 at Montana Mike’s and will include a served meal. Members are asked to bring $10 cash since Montana Mike’s does not accept checks.
Retired school personnel in Barton County are invited and encouraged to become involved in the local group. BCARSP meets four times a year in September, December, March, and May. Guests are always welcome. Prospective members are invited to contact Ann Lessor for more details on membership.