The Barton County Association of Retired School Personnel met at 11:30 a.m. on Dec. 9 at the Club at Stone Ridge. President Rose Kelly called the meeting to order. A total of 49 members were present. Rose led the flag salute and Becky Dudrey gave the invocation. The minutes of the Sept. 2 meeting were approved as printed and the treasurer’s report was approved as read.
Don Halbower presented a legislative report stating that KPERS will likely change to a 401K plan for future and current working members, but this would not affect those already retired. Pat Halbower distributed the BCARSP yearbooks for 2012.
The nominating committee was unable to find a new secretary, so Norma Ward agreed to continue in that position. Officers for 2012 are: President, Rose Kelly; Vice-president, Mary Bieberle; Secretary, Norma Ward; Treasurer, Danelda St. Aubyn; and Membership, Kayleen Kern. Since all officers are returning, there was no installation ceremony. Birthdays for October, November and December were recognized.
Vice-President Mary Bieberle introduced Andrea Gardner and her choral group, “Women in Harmony,” from the Great Bend Middle School. The group, consisting of 27 girls in the seventh and eighth grades, presented an outstanding program of Christmas music.
Rose announced that in 2012 the May and September meetings will be held on the first Friday of the month rather than the second Friday in order to avoid parking problems due to large golf tournaments. The next meeting will be at 11:30 a.m. on Friday, March 9 at the Club at StoneRidge.
Any newly eligible retired school personnel interested in joining may contact Membership Chairman Kayleen Kern or President Rose Kelly. Members get together for luncheons in September, December, March and May.
BCARSP meeting