The Barton County Association of Retired School Personnel met at the Club at Stone Ridge at 11:30 a.m. on Friday, March 9. President Rose Kelly called the meeting to order and led the flag salute. Becky Dudrey gave the invocation. Forty-eight members and two guests, Joyce Weeden and Doneida Baker, were present. Rose introduced visitors Judy Jones, District IV KARSP Director; and her husband, Max Jones.
The minutes of the Dec. 9 meeting were approved as printed and the treasurer’s report was approved as read. Rose reminded all members to turn in their volunteer hours at the May 4 meeting. Don Halbower reported on current legislative activities. He expressed support for House Bill #2194, a defined benefit plan. He reported that KPERS employees are entitled to a $4,000 life insurance benefit when they die. He has a form that can be used to assign the life insurance benefit to a funeral home, saving the heirs 20% ($800) in taxes.
District IV KARSP Director, Judy Jones, announced plans for the Kansas Association of Retired School Personnel state convention to be held June 13, 14 and 15 in Great Bend. The slogan for KARSP is “For Strength We Need You.” The theme of the convention will be “Reliving the 50’s.” Highlights include a barbeque, an auction for the KARSP Foundation for which each association donates a $25 item, Marci Penner and other top speakers, tours of the zoo, wetlands, and a presentation on internet networking.
Vice-President Mary Bieberle introduced speaker Greg Armstrong, Barton County Sheriff. He supported having alarms in homes and reminded everyone not to give out personal information over the phone to anyone they did not call. He also told about the Crisis Response Team of 6-8 members and “The Beast,” the crisis response team’s vehicle.
The next meeting will be at 11:30 a.m. on Friday, May 4 at the Club at StoneRidge. Any newly eligible retired school personnel interested in joining may contact Membership Chairman Kayleen Kern or President Rose Kelly. Members get together for luncheons in September, December, March and May.
BCARSP meeting