What does it take to be named a “Friend of 4-H”? There are many people who share their time and talent with the 4-H program. This year the Barton County 4-H Council voted to recognize a couple and a family who have gone above and beyond what is asked of them. A true friend of 4-H is involved through the thick and thin and doesn’t quit until the job is done. The 2013 Friends of 4-H are Brad and Phyllis Brack, George and Phyllis Miller and Kelly and Fawnia Miller.
The Brack family has been involved in Barton County 4-H for many years. In 2001, Phyllis started the TLC Twisters 4-H Club with eight members and it has grown each year. She has cultivated the talents of each of those young people to grow and develop to their full potential. Phyllis and her husband Brad have given their time, talent and treasure to not only TLC Twisters but to Barton County 4-H as a whole. They have used their head to think of new ways to help kids be better members, their hands to guide and teach new skills, their heart to help those in need and they have always guided kids to do something to promote health in their club. Phyllis and Brad will always be friends of 4-H!
The Miller family, George and Phyllis Miller and Kelly and Fawnia Miller, is a strong supporter of not only Ellinwood Energizers but also Barton County 4-H. The Millers can proudly say they have three generations of 4-H members in the family. Phyllis was a long time member from Hudson (Stafford County). Kelly and Fawnia were Barton county 4-H members and they continued their involvement with their sons, Saul and Colin Miller. They have been involved at the club level as community leaders and project leaders and at the county level as superintendents at the fair. Fawnia also served on the 4-H PDC and as ambassador advisor. Kelly has been a member of the Barton County Fair Board and has worked with the livestock project members. They are very supportive of the Livestock and Foods Auction. Barton County 4-H thanks them for their continued support of the Barton County 4-H Program.
The gift we give to these leaders is small compared to the hours and hours they have contributed to the 4-H program. We hope that the honor of being nominated by the 4-H members is a small payback for all their hard work. Congratulations to all our 4-H members and their families for their accomplishments over the past year. Our 4-H Achievement program was a great celebration and the community’s support of our young people is greatly appreciated.
Berny Unruh is the 4-H and Youth Development agent in Barton County. She is a guest columnist for the Great Bend Tribune. She can be reached at 620-793-1910 or bunruh@ksu.edu
Friends of 4-H