League of Women Voters of Great Bend will hold the monthly meeting at noon on Tuesday at Montana Mike’s in the north room. Lunch will be from the menu and can be from their “quick serve” menu.
The speaker will be Great Bend Police Cliff Couch speaking about the job as police chief, working in conjunction with the Sheriff’s office and the KBI, things he has changed since he has been here and things he hopes to change in the future.
All league members are encouraged to attend and participate. Lunch is informal and dialog is always expected. Guests, both men and women, are welcome.
League is a non-partisan organization devoted to informing and educating the voting public on national, state, and local issues of importance. Membership is open to both men and women. League can be accessed on the web at http://lwvofgb.wordpress.com. The public is invited to attend.
League of Women Voters meeting