Members of Golden Sheaf Chapter # 226, Great Bend, Order of the Eastern Star were honored by an official visit from the Grand Chapter of Kansas
on Feb.7, at the Masonic Hall in Hoisington. Dinner was at 6 p.m. and the meeting started at 7:30 p.m.
The Resurrection Ringers of the First United Methodist Church of Great Bend, performed a beautiful program which featured the
“Bell Choir” directed by Marc Webster, for those attending the dinner.
Pam Able, Worthy Grand Matron, Emporia and Richard Short Worthy Grand Patron of Goodland of the Grand Chapter of Kansas, Order of the Eastern Star, were presented, introduced and escorted to The East.
Also in attendance and presented, introduced and escorted to the East, were Past Grand Matron Dolores Smith of Tonganoxie and Past Grand Patron Darrell Shanteau of St. John, Grand Chapter of Kansas. Grand Esther, Carol Dorenberger of Riley was also presented and introduced. Grand Representatives, Grand Committee Members, other Grand Appointments, Grand Escorts, Worthy Matrons and Worthy Patrons were presented and introduced from Lyons, Hutchinson, Sterling, Ellsworth, St. John, Emporia, Claflin, and Great Bend. Worthy Matron Carol Anderson and Worthy Patron Carl Anderson entertained the honored Guests, chapter members and visitors with delightful and fun program during Good of the Order. A reception following the meeting was held in the dining room.
Official visit of the Grand Chapter of Kansas, Order of the Eastern Star