Pilot international and local Pilot Clubs around the globe recognize the second week in November as International Care & Kindness Week, a week-long public awareness campaign meant to bring awareness to how simple acts can change a day, a life or the world by simply showing someone you care. International Care & Kindness Week encourages people to “Take time to Care and Be Kind.”
The Great Bend Pilot club has taken International Care and Kindness week to recognize caregivers in the community with a “Pick-me-up.” The mission of the “Pick Me Ups” initiative is to uplift and appreciate family caregivers by providing needed services or small gifts to brighten their day.
Pilot members were greeted by Shauna McPherson, the activities coordinator, at Great Bend Health and Rehab and Pam Lewis, at Cherry Village. The caregivers and staff were given a little “pick me up” of popcorn for their daily break time.
Pilot Club International Care and Kindness Week