Preceptor Pi Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi had its first meeting of the season Sept. 1, at the home of Brenda Black. New chapter president Jeri Brozek led the meeting. Members decided to continue supporting the Barton County Food Bank as one of their service projects and will discuss additional service projects in future meetings.
Kyle Krebaum, co-founder of the Makinna Ann Hope Foundation, presented a program on the progress of plans to develop a special needs adaptive playground in Great Bend honoring the memory of his daughter, Makinna Ann. The Makinna Ann Hope Foundation has partnered with the Great Bend Recreation Commission to begin construction of the playground this fall. The new playground will be constructed to meet the goals of both the Makinna Ann Hope Foundation and the Recreation Commission.
The chapter’s Reception Sisters assisted with an anniversary reception in August. The chapter will continue its Reception Sisters project this year to assist with receptions for weddings, anniversaries, birthdays and other celebrations. Reception Sisters raise funds for the chapter’s various service projects. Anyone wishing more information about this project may contact ways and means chair Susan Coulson, 620-792-3802.
Preceptor Pi hosted the Beta Sigma Phi Beginning Day salad supper Aug. 25, at First Christian Church. Laureate Kappa and Xi Delta Upsilon members joined Preceptor Pi for the supper as a way of launching the new sorority year. Guests included members from the former Theta Master chapter.
Preceptor Pi met Sept. 15, at the home of Lois Johnson. President Jeri Brozek reported the chapter earned its 3-Star rating from Beta Sigma Phi International for its programs, service projects and activities of the past year.
Members contributed food items for the Food Bank in September. The Golden Belt Humane Society will be the chapter’s October service project with members bringing old blankets, towels and rugs to donate along with a monetary donation for the purchase of pet food. Members also decided to continue supporting the Makinna Ann Hope Foundation and Kans for Kids this year.
Dierdre Lemon, young adult and marketing librarian for the Great Bend Public Library, presented a program updating members on the library’s offerings, including DVDs, access to the nationwide inter-library loan program, outreach programs, summer programs for children and teens, craft night, adult movie night, two book clubs and meeting room space. The library’s annual book sale is scheduled for Oct. 11-14.
Preceptor Pi begins sorority year with programs and projects