Preceptor Pi Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi met April 2 at Linda Jerke’s home. President Jeri Brozek led the meeting with 12 members present.
Members discussed plans for their Memorial Day flower sale set for 8 a.m. to noon on Saturday, May 11, in the Park School gymnasium. Refurbished Memorial Day floral decorations will be sold at reasonable prices. Proceeds will go toward the chapter’s local service projects.
For their April service project, members brought feminine products and paper products to donate to the Food Bank.
Jeanne Schmitt reported on the March 21 meeting of BSP City Council including details of the Founder’s Day celebration set for 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 23. Preceptor Pi led by Jeri Brozek, Karen Reif and Cindy Meitler will be responsible for table decorations. The next City Council meeting will be on Thursday, April 18, at the home of Joyce Boor.
Jerke read a Beta Brief about the history of Founder’s Day from the March Torch magazine. Walter W. Ross founded the organization in 1931 in Abilene. During that time of war in Europe, the organization of Beta Sigma Phi International gave hope and fulfillment to women around the world.
Karen Reif introduced guest speaker Larissa Ann Adolph, designer and artist of Larissa Ann Beads by Hand. She displayed her hand-rolled bracelets and gem stone necklaces as well as scarves, handbags and decorated matchboxes that can be used as small gift boxes.
For their April 8 social, Preceptor Pi members attended the Central Kansas Community Choir Concert, “On Broadway,” featuring songs from six Broadway musicals. Following the concert held at First United Methodist Church, members continued their social with ice cream at Braum’s. Members also conducted a brief meeting preceding the concert.
Preceptor Pi plans May 11 Memorial Day Flower Sale