The Progress Club met on Nov. 2, at the home of Kathy Schugart. Co-hostesses were Darlene Mathers and Ruth Lowry, who was unable to be present. President Sharon Mauler called the meeting to order, followed by The Lord’s Prayer. Fifteen members answered roll call.
Pat Klusener stated that she is sending courtesy cards to Donna McAllaster, Judy Fox and Ruth Lowry.
Treasurer Darlene Mathers reported collecting dues from 13 members prior to today’s meeting. A memorial in honor of Dr. Wendale McAllaster was sent. A bill is expected from Pat Halbower for yearbook printing. Pat experienced problems with the program she uses to create club yearbooks; it is no longer compatible with her computer’s operating system. Norma Ward volunteered to compile future yearbooks.
The program, “Finding Missing Persons,” was presented by Mary Ann Boyle, PhD CG, a forensic genealogist, private investigator and board-certified genealogist serving law firms and trust officers. Dr. Boyle moved back to Great Bend from Boston where her company, American Genealogical Research, is a well respected search firm experienced in “heir finding” and the resolution of trust issues. Using genealogy, private investigations, census reports, obituaries and various databases available to her, Dr. Boyle is highly successful in locating missing persons and solving unidentified deaths. She discussed a number of unusual cases and the methods employed to eventually resolve them.
The next meeting will be a Christmas luncheon at Flavored Celebrations on Dec. 7. with Pat Halbower and Kathy Schugart as hostesses.
Progress Club meeting