Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary #8668, Claflin, met at the home of Anna Dreiling with five members and one guest present. Diane Hill, 7th District President, was present to do the annual inspection.
Donations were made to the following: Cancer Aid and Research, Endowment Fund, Health and Happiness, and Claflin Elementary School for the activity fund.
October 23 is “Make a Difference Day”, a national day to do something good for someone else. The Auxiliary gave a donation to the “Kans for Kids”. Everyone can do something special that day.
Poppies were ordered. The Auxiliary will be asking for donations on Saturday, Nov. 13th. These funds are used for our veterans who need help. We make donations to all the VA hospitals in Kansas and to Fort Dodge. We also contribute to our local “Military Moms”, who send packages to our Troops overseas.
Election Day is coming soon. We encourage everyone to get our and vote. Our vote can make a difference.
The next meeting will be at 1:30 p.m. on Nov. 8.
Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary #8668