Four months after forming the Cottonwood Extension District which includes Ellis and Barton Counties, we are happy to announce that Thomas “Rip” Winkel will be joining our team. Rip’s bachelor’s degree in horticulture is from Texas A & M and his masters’ degree is through Colorado State University. He has had some unique experiences studying abroad as he pursued his masters’ degree while serving in the Peace Corps in Equador.
Horticulture agents develop and deliver educational programs such as horticulture crop production, marketing and economics related to the horticulture industry, landscape design, maintenance and improvement, conservation of natural resources and pest management.
Local extension faculty are jointly employed in a partnership between K-State Research and Extension, headquartered on the Kansas State University campus in Manhattan, and the local Extension board. Rip will divide his time between the Hays and Great Bend offices so you may leave a message for him at either location. Winkel will have three days of orientation on the K-State campus prior to his first day in Ellis County, Thursday, Nov. 9.
The role of K-State Research and Extension is to encourage the adoption of research-based information to improve the quality of life for Kansans. K-State Research and Extension is the short name for the Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service.
More information about K-State Research and Extension – Cottonwood District is available by calling the Hays office, 785-628-9430, or the Great Bend office, 620-793-1910. You may also find information on the web at
Donna Krug is the Family & Consumer Science Agent with K-State Research and Extension – Barton County. Contact her at 620-793-1910 or