Bob and Hope Ney and Bob and Nina Ochs, announce the engagement of their children, Cassandra Ney and Zane Ochs. The bride-elect is the granddaughter of Ruth Axman and Margaret Ney and the late Francis Ney. The prospective groom is the grandson of Dorotha Boyce.
The bride-elect is a 2007 graduate of Hoisington. She will graduate in December from Wichita State University with a Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education. She is employed at the Wichita State University Daycare as a lead teacher assistant.
The prospective groom is a 2007 graduate of Hoisington High School. He graduated in 2010 from Wichita State University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Exercise Science. He is currently attending Washington University of St. Louis where he will graduate in May 2014 with a Doctorate of Physical Therapy.
The wedding is planned for July 16 at St. John Evangelist Catholic Church in Hoisington.