Barton County 4-H was well represented at the Kansas State Fair.
In the State Fashion Revue, Julie Bitter was a contestant in the Buymanship division, received a purple rating and was considered for champion. Kenzie Unruh and Kyle Blakeslee were also in the buymanship fashion revue and received blue ratings.
The 4-H Photography division is the largest at the state fair with nearly 2000 exhibits. Hannah Mauler and Athena VanderMeer had photos selected for use in Kansas 4-H Foundation publications. Lexie Brack´s photo was chosen to be in a Traveling Photo Collection. Molly Kaiser´s photo was awarded a Sunflower Award for an outstanding technique. Members receiving blue ribbon ratings were BreAnn Anshutz, BrayLynn Anshutz, Morgan Kaiser, Jenna Snell, Payton Mauler, Tiffany Schneider, Kayleigh Bitter, Bonny Boultinghouse, Anna Frizell Desmond Noah, and Kayla Reisner. Red ribbons were awarded to Kaitlyn Rodie, Desmond Noah, Lexie Brack, McKenna Mauler, Brinttain Noah, Audrey Likes and Robert Frizell.
Another very large department is the foods area with over 1200 exhibits. Bonny Boultinghouse, Anna Frizell and Hannah Mauler received purple ribbons on foods. Receiving blues were Karly Brungardt, Sarah Frakes, Morgan Kaiser, Emma Reif, Kirk Reisner, Cody Wondra, and Kristi DeWerff. Parker Smith, Nicole Likes, Tiffany Schneider, Jacob Durrett and Kaitlyn Rodie received red ratings. Kayleigh Bitter placed with a purple on food preservation.
In Clothing and Textiles, the purple ribbon winners were Bonny Boultinghouse, Anna Frizell, Julie Bitter and Heather Schneider. BrayLynn Anshutz received blue ribbon and BreAnn Anshutz received a red.
The Fiber Arts department combines crocheting, knitting, quilting, weaving, needle arts and macrame in one division. Elizabeth Frakes placed with a purple on her Needle Arts project. Karly Brungardt, Sarah Frakes and Parker Smith all received red ribbon ratings on their patchwork quilts.
Arts and Crafts exhibits are not judged at the State fair but some exhibits are chosen for display at state 4-H events. Kayleigh Bitter´s metalwork will be displayed at Rock Springs Ranch 4-H Center for the year. Brandon Smith also exhibited his arts exhibit. Kristi DeWerff received a purple on her Home Enviroment project and Brinttain Noah placed with a blue rating.
Lexie Brack received a purple and a blue ribbon on her flower exhibits. Nicole Likes received a red on her flower arrangement. In the vegetable division, Kristi DeWerff received two purples on her onions and potatoes. In crops, Julie Bitter received a blue on a
gallon jar of wheat. Kyle Blakeslee received a blue on his wheat variety plot display.
Austin VanderMeer received a purple on his rocketry exhibit and Luke Wondra received a blue.
4-H Banners exhibited at the Kansas State Fair were designed by 4-H members in Busy Buzzers, Ellinwood Energizers and Hoisington Jets 4-H clubs.
Kristi DeWerff participated in the 4-H Dairy Show. Athena VanderMeer had a 4th and 5th placing in Natural Lambs. Katie Shafer placed 3rd in a class of Hampshire Lambs and 2nd in a class of Natural Lambs. Mattie Shafer placed 4th in a class of Crossbred Lambs. In the meat goat show, Katie Shafer had a 4th and 5th place. Mattie Shafer placed 1st in one class and 4th in another class. Mattie was overall 5th place in the junior division of goat showmanship.
Receiving purples in the state 4-H dog show were Nicole Likes and Christopher Reed-Pettijohn. Katelyn Reh, Tiffany Schneider and Kaitlyn Rodie received blues. Kayleigh Bitter received a white ribbon rating.
There were over 9,000 4-H exhibits in Centennial Hall and many 4-H members were also involved in judging events at the Kansas State Fair. The intermediate photography judging team members were Kayleigh Bitter, Anna Frizell and Brinttain Noah. Desmond Noah judged in the senior division.
The Senior Family and Consumer Science team placed 24th in the state. Team members were Jenna Snell, Colin Miller, Kayla Reisner and
Kyle Blakeslee. The intermediate team placed 18th. Heather Schneider placed 22nd out of 200 members judging. Other intermediate team members were BreAnn Anshutz, Morgan Kaiser and Shaini Hughes.
In the Intermediate Poultry Judging Contest, the team placed 5th overall. Team members were Heather Schneider, Mikey and Shaini Hughes.
Kansas State Fair news