The Ellinwood School/Community Library will be closed through 8 a.m. Monday for Thanksgiving Break! Enjoy your time with family and friends!
Thank you to Lily Hoskins, Ellinwood School-Community Library has started a youth book club. Lily and her mom, Danielle, came to me in September to ask for assistance in beginning this process. We decided to invite 5th and 6th grade students and sent out invitations to all students reading at a 5th grade level and above at both EGS and St. Joseph’s schools. Lily chose the first book, as a “choose your own adventure” book about the Titanic. Thanks to Kala Robl who ILL’d the books for us, interested students were given the book to have completed before the first meeting. We met the third Monday of October, and had a group discussion of the book. Overall the students liked the book. Lily’s dad, Mickey recreated the Titanic in cake and frosting form – magnificent! Cole Ringering chose a “Goosebumps” book for the students to have read for our November meeting, and shared a snack that went along with the book. Overall, the kids liked this book, too. Thanks to Laurie Feist for sitting in for me and conducting this meeting. Kiley Troyer will be the host of our December meeting! Keep reading kids!
Sheri Holmes
Director of Library/Media Services Ellinwood School/Community Libraries
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