THE PARKING LOT Weve all seen it, a car parked illegally while the rest of us are just trying to follow the law. Because none of us have ever parked illegally, right?
Anyway, a company in China got fed up with people parking like jerks and ignoring warnings and even tickets, so they took matters into their own hands. Instead of writing a passive-aggressive note or shaking an angry fist at the driver as they left, this company decided to rent an excavator and just get the cars out of the way.
The BMW and Jeep didnt stand a chance against the construction behemoth as it easily pushed the cars out of the way and cleared a path. Not sure what kind of legal repercussions came as a result of the drastic move, but whats done is done and we can maybe all learn a lesson from this: If you park like a buffoon a company may decide to rent an excavator.
Anyway, a company in China got fed up with people parking like jerks and ignoring warnings and even tickets, so they took matters into their own hands. Instead of writing a passive-aggressive note or shaking an angry fist at the driver as they left, this company decided to rent an excavator and just get the cars out of the way.
The BMW and Jeep didnt stand a chance against the construction behemoth as it easily pushed the cars out of the way and cleared a path. Not sure what kind of legal repercussions came as a result of the drastic move, but whats done is done and we can maybe all learn a lesson from this: If you park like a buffoon a company may decide to rent an excavator.