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Have You Seen This? Real-life jet packs
In a video put out by Emirates airlines, you get to see legitimate jet packs in action, flying next to the Airbus A380 the worlds largest passenger aircraft as they dance over the Dubai skyline. - photo by Angela Treasure
DUBAI Much ado was made when October 21, 2015, rolled around that Back to the Future II had made some inaccurate predictions about the present. Most notably, people in their 30s who grew up watching the BTF series mourned the fact that hoverboards werent a transportation staple. While there have been several attempts to create hoverboards to fulfill all of our inner Marty McFly, none have been up to snuff.

Its only appropriate on the eve of the opening of the newest Bond installment that we see the manifestation of one of Qs greatest gadgets made for 007.

No, not the clothing brush that turned into a communication device. No, not the revolving couch, or the bagpipe flamethrower.

Jet packs.

In a video put out by Emirates airlines, you get to see legitimate jet packs in action, flying next to the Airbus A380 the worlds largest passenger aircraft as they dance over the Dubai skyline.

The choreography between the two Jetman Dubai pilots (Yves Rossy and Vince Reffet) and the massive A380 is beautiful, yes, but will also thrill your inner MI6 agent. The flight took approximately three months of planning between Emirates and the Jetman Dubai team.

Rossy, who has developed the wing-suit system, has been flying his contraption since 2007. The equipment has semi-rigid carbon-fiber wings and is powered by four Jet-Cat 9200 jet engines.

Its all infinitely cooler than Sean Connerys 1965 version from Thunderball.

To see how the video was made, watch the behind the scenes footage.