DADSVILLE Calling dads unconventional is, I think, an understatement.
Once I had a class project where I had to do a report on farm animals. I think I was in third grade. My dad's solution, because mom was out of town? Interview a cow and a goat and capture it on camera. Not sure I got a good grade, but I had a great time.
Then there was the time my son wanted to sleep in Batman's Batcave. A couple of wood planks, some of his sister's hair ties and a bed sheet later, he was dozing in the Dark Knight's lair.
Some would call us dads innovative and clever. Others might call us procrastinators and cheap. They're both right, and a perfect example of this is the video of one dad who was sent to find a new lunchbox.
The dad explains that he lost his kid's lunchbox and was then sent to procure a new one. He showed up at the supermarket only to find themed lunchboxes he wouldn't allow his son to be associated with, as well as prices a little too high for his liking. Instead of purchasing one of those, he ended up at the hardware store where he found the perfect toolbox, I mean lunchbox.
His wife was less than enthused with the purchase, but once he showed her how brilliant his "lunchbox" was she couldn't help but be a little impressed. Here's to you dad, you've inspired me to try even harder to please my kids while driving my wife nuts.
Once I had a class project where I had to do a report on farm animals. I think I was in third grade. My dad's solution, because mom was out of town? Interview a cow and a goat and capture it on camera. Not sure I got a good grade, but I had a great time.
Then there was the time my son wanted to sleep in Batman's Batcave. A couple of wood planks, some of his sister's hair ties and a bed sheet later, he was dozing in the Dark Knight's lair.
Some would call us dads innovative and clever. Others might call us procrastinators and cheap. They're both right, and a perfect example of this is the video of one dad who was sent to find a new lunchbox.
The dad explains that he lost his kid's lunchbox and was then sent to procure a new one. He showed up at the supermarket only to find themed lunchboxes he wouldn't allow his son to be associated with, as well as prices a little too high for his liking. Instead of purchasing one of those, he ended up at the hardware store where he found the perfect toolbox, I mean lunchbox.
His wife was less than enthused with the purchase, but once he showed her how brilliant his "lunchbox" was she couldn't help but be a little impressed. Here's to you dad, you've inspired me to try even harder to please my kids while driving my wife nuts.