Russell Community Theater opens the 2016 season with Old Ringers, written by Joe Simonelli and directed by RCT volunteer Bob Roe. Veteran actors are leading the way with Crystal Craig, Teressa Roe and Mitch Hunsley bringing over 60 years of combined experience to the stage. Sheila Lamb and Sheldon Schwien are still relatively new to acting, while Megan Opdycke Reeves and Randyll Smith are making their RCT debuts.
In this rollicking comedy, no one feels the pain of tough economic times like senior citizens living on fixed incomes. When the recession hits a group of senior women, they’re desperate to find a way to pay the bills. An improper phone call from a wrong number inspires these sassy seniors to establish an at-home phone hotline. This semi-sequel to Men Are Dogs is a riotous adult comedy. Although two characters are reprised from Men Are Dogs, this production stands on its own.
Performances run Tuesday through Saturday, March 8-12, at the RCT Playhouse, 5th and Kansas, Russell. Show time is 8 p.m. Admission is $10 or by season ticket. Season tickets may be purchased in advance at Encore Antiques & Collectables, 590 S. Fossil, Russell. Old Ringers is presented by special permission from Simonelli Productions. For more information contact RCT at 785-483-4057.
Russell Community Theater is a non-profit theater company in Russell. The sole purpose of RCT is to produce theater for the community and the surrounding area. Completely volunteer-driven, RCT is supported financially solely through ticket admissions and gifts from those supportive of community theater. Since its inception in 1986, RCT has presented 85 full-scale theatrical productions.
Russell Community Theater presents Old Ringers