Information for parents about the film "The Intern":
Alcohol: Some social drinking occurs after hours in the workplace. A woman is doing shots in a bar and drinks to excess. She is seen later vomiting.
Language: A few uses of profanity, some strong. Also, one use of a middle finger.
Sexuality/adult themes: A husband and wife are seen kissing in bed, then the scene cuts away. A woman gives a man a massage at work and his co-workers suspect he is sexually aroused. A scene is shot from an angle to make it appear as if two people are committing a sex act when they are actually not. A man has an affair with another woman.
Alcohol: Some social drinking occurs after hours in the workplace. A woman is doing shots in a bar and drinks to excess. She is seen later vomiting.
Language: A few uses of profanity, some strong. Also, one use of a middle finger.
Sexuality/adult themes: A husband and wife are seen kissing in bed, then the scene cuts away. A woman gives a man a massage at work and his co-workers suspect he is sexually aroused. A scene is shot from an angle to make it appear as if two people are committing a sex act when they are actually not. A man has an affair with another woman.