Information for parents about the film "The Walk":
Intensity: Dangerous stunts are portrayed at dizzying heights, especially in IMAX. Some scenes of hallucinating and being obsessive. Images of a man falling down an elevator shaft. A man nearly falls from a wire in a circus tent. A character sees himself nailing the lid on his own coffin.
Language: Some uses of profanity, increasing as the movie moves along.
Nudity/drugs: A man strips down to feel a fishing line he is trying to find. A man gets out of bed seemingly naked. Some social drinking, none to excess. Some smoking, possibility of drugs.
Intensity: Dangerous stunts are portrayed at dizzying heights, especially in IMAX. Some scenes of hallucinating and being obsessive. Images of a man falling down an elevator shaft. A man nearly falls from a wire in a circus tent. A character sees himself nailing the lid on his own coffin.
Language: Some uses of profanity, increasing as the movie moves along.
Nudity/drugs: A man strips down to feel a fishing line he is trying to find. A man gets out of bed seemingly naked. Some social drinking, none to excess. Some smoking, possibility of drugs.