Hello from the Cottonwood Extension District! No doubt your life or daily routine has been changed in some way by COVID-19. Whether it is planning for childcare of the very young, keeping school-aged students on task in the weeks ahead, or juggling a new work at home schedule, there is much to consider. This is new territory and something I never imagined we would be discussing.
Thankfully, K-State Research and Extension is looking at these challenges as opportunities for our statewide network of educators to share unbiased, research-based information and expertise on issues important to Kansans. As in any disaster or emergency, I want to remind you that it is important to get information from official sources. We are adding pertinent information to our Cottonwood website and our FaceBook page often. The Kansas Department of Health and Environment, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the World Health Organization are all trusted websites that are being updated often during this uncertain time.
Currently the Hays office will remain open but we are asking that you call first since protocol changes daily. Determine if a face-to-face contact is necessary or if we can help you through the use of technology. Our office in Great Bend closed to the public beginning Monday, March 23rd. We will still be answering the phone and forwarding messages to the appropriate staff person. Any of our meetings and workshops that were scheduled through May 16 are canceled or being carried out through Zoom technology. Watch our website as some may be rescheduled.
The great news in all of this is that Walk KS has not been canceled! Whether you have joined a Walk KS team or not, I would encourage each of you to build time into your schedule for 30 minutes or more of exercise each day. This will be an important strategy to help you maintain fitness and a positive attitude during these uncertain times. We are looking at pushing our celebration of the Walk KS program back a week, to May 19th. Watch our Cottonwood website for details.
Donna Krug is the Family & Consumer Science Agent with K-State Research and Extension – Cottonwood District. Contact her at 620-793-1910 or dkrug@ksu.edu.