Preceptor Pi members began the new year with the January social – a Happy New Year Pie Day at Perkins – on Jan. 9. Members voted for this year’s Valentine Queen and she will be revealed at the Queen’s Luncheon on Feb. 15 at Mizumi’s.
The Service Chair Karen Reif suggested making Valentine bags for residents of River Bend. She already has the white bags and will purchase valentines to attach to the bags. Janis was able to contact Jan Perez about providing a meal for Core Community. March 30 was decided upon and the menu was decided.
Members enjoyed two very different programs this month: Brenda Black prepared a program on the hidden fire hazards in the home and how to prevent them. She also shared a segment about closing the bedroom door at night and how that simple act could give occupants more time to escape a fire.
Gramma Jeri Brozek brought lots of pictures to share about her granddaughter Anna’s western-themed wedding in Nebraska.