USD 428 Food Service will provide free lunch for all children 18 years of age and younger at Eisenhower, Jefferson, Lincoln, Park and Riley elementary schools from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. through June 30 and at Eisenhower, Jefferson and Riley from July 10-28. They can choose to eat in the gym or take the meal home.
Monday, July 24
Crispitos, refried beans, applesauce
Tuesday, July 25
Cheese breadstick, seasoned wedge potatoes, mandarin oranges
Wednesday, July 26
Crunchy munchy chili, cinnamon roll, corn, fresh orange
Thursday, July 27
Stuffed crust cheese pizza, tater tots, pears
Friday, July 28
Ham and cheese sandwich, baby carrots, apples
Monday, July 24
Cereal, juice
Tuesday, July 25
Stuffed cinnamon toast pastry, apples
Wednesday, July 26
Cereal, juice
Thursday, July 27
Tripleberry french toast, juice
Friday, July 28
Poptart, juice