Every two weeks, Barton County departments submit an activity report of statistical data or a summary of services. County Administrator Richard Boeckman presented highlights from the most recent reports to the County Commission Monday morning.
Below is a recap of the activities.
Road and Bridge Director Dale Phillips
• Asphalt work was completed northeast of Hoisington on Northeast 30 Avenue. Pothole patching and asphalt road rutting was repaired as needed.
• Sand sealing started on July 31st and will proceed for three weeks, weather permitting. Areas to be sealed this year include a line from Beaver, Kansas, to Highway 4 going west to Galatia and north of Highway 4 to the Russell County line.
Solid Waste Manager Mark Witt
• 917.52 tons of municipal solid waste
• 246.51 tons of construction & demolition waste
• 90.25 tons of special waste
• 512 loads of waste received
• $41,223.83 in revenue generated for the period
• 3.74 tons of electronics collected for recycling
The Solid Waste staff has been busy completing setup on the new litter fences. The 10 units are being placed in the Municipal Solid WasteLandfill and the units purchased in 2007 are being relocated to the Construction and Demolition Landfill to provide litter control at that site.
Construction of new landfill phases was started two weeks ago by staff and continues to progress. A major obstacle in this construction project is lack of adequate soil moisture levels and staff has been applying water to the site to aid compaction requirements. Witt hopes to have the new 7-acre site completed by the end of August.
Judy Goreham, Environmental Management Division
• Permits Issued:
• Water Well Permits, 6
• Septic System Permits, 6
• Building Permits, 4
Total permits and licenses issued, 16
911 Director Doug Hubbard
• Reported there were a total of 8,339 calls to the 911 Center. Of those, 6,724 were came on the administrative lines and the rest to 911. Of the 911 calls, 1,203 came from cell phones and 412 from land lines.
Information Technology Director John Debes
• Monitoring the TTC, exchange servers and sonic wall firewall continues. During this period, Lightspeed stopped 3,231 spam messages, 24 viruses, two intrusions and 19 spyware attempts.
• Continue working with MOVRS. Across the State, counties are experiencing problems with the new motor vehicle software system used by the Barton County Treasurer’s Office.
• Assisting the Clerk’s Office with various issues related to the primary election.
• The first-appearance by video system for Juvenile Justice Authority has received favorable reviews from the County Attorney’s Office.
Health Department Director Lily Akings
Immunizations, 134
Family Planning , 46
Sexually Transmitted Infections , 17
Tuberculosis, 44
Maternal and Infant, 10
Healthy Start Home Visits, 14
Child Care Licensing, 7
Communicable Disease, 2
In other Health Department news:
• School enrollment and vaccine updates are increasing department traffic.
• Flu vaccinations start Sept. 4.
• There have been new cases of pertussis (whooping cough) reported in Barton County.
A lot is going on with county agencies