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Area briefs
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Labor Day kid’s races moved
HOISINGTON — The Kid’s Races are back this year for the annual Labor Day event. The Kid’s Races are being moved to the high school stadium. Touch A Truck and the Turtle Races will still be held at the Hoisington Activity Center, 1200 Susank Rd., earlier that morning.

Labor Day parade judges needed
HOISINGTON — The Hoisington Chamber of Commerce is in need of judges for the parade. Call Kristi Lovett at 620-653-4311.

Food Bank open Monday
HOISINGTON — The Hoisington Food bank will be open from 2-4 p.m. on Aug. 11 at the First United Methodist Church, 467 W. 3rd St. Hoisington.

Deadline to register for Labor Day 5K Run
HOISINGTON — The deadline to register for the Labor Day 5K Run will be Aug. 15. It will be held Sept. 1. Register at the Hoisington Activity Center, 1200 Susank Rd. or call 620-653-4050.

Ellinwood Community Blood Drive to be held
ELLINWOOD — The Ellinwood Community Blood Drive will be from 2-7 p.m. on Aug. 18 at St. Joseph Parish Center. Hamburgers and watermelon will be served for those with appointments. Call 1-800-733-2767 or visit redcross

Ellinwood hospital to hold Lab Fair
ELLINWOOD — The Ellinwood District Hospital Clinic will hold a Lab Fair from 7-8 a.m. at the Hospital Clinic. Twelve hour fasting is preferred.

Awana registration to be held
ELLINWOOD — Awana registration will be held at Ellinwood Grade School lunch room from 6:30-8 p.m. on Aug. 19.
Parents with children ages 3 years through 8th grade are welcome to register their children. Ice cream sundae’s will be served. Awana will be held at the First Baptist Church and is open to all children.