CLAFLIN — The governing body of the City of Claflin met in regular session July 8 at the city building. Present were: Mayor Michael Urban, Councilpersons Kirk Schneweis, Casey Hubbard, Doug Hubbard, Kelly Nixon and Dan Michaelis. Also present were: City Attorney Bob Suelter, City Clerk Patricia Schmidt, Robert Gunder, Richard Hayes, Mel Waite, Tyler Allison, Toby Holmes, Julie Smith, CiJi Folk and Dawnya Hickel. These are the unofficial minutes.
D. Hubbard moved, Nixon seconded, with all in favor, to approve the minutes of the June 10, 2013 meeting with the addition of the word “lawful” added.
C. Hubbard moved to pay the July 2013 bills. Nixon seconded with all in favor.
Well #3 is fully repaired. The top end bearing on well #6 needs some repair.
Tyler Allison attended the hearing for his property on 411 2nd Street to give an update on the work being done on the house. The council requested Allison attend the August 12 council meeting for another update. Nixon moved to give him another month extension. C. Hubbard seconded with all in favor to extend the hearing to the August 12, 2013 council meeting.
D. Hubbard and C. Hubbard left the meeting to go on an ambulance call.
Holmes explained that the tennis court at the park is in bad shape and gave the council a copy of the plans and cost to make repairs. The school board feels the city should help with the cost of the repairs. No money has been budgeted for this type of project for 2013. If the city would budget for some of the cost in 2014, the school would go ahead with the repairs now and the city could pay in January 2014. By council consensus, the city will try to budget something in 2014. The amount will be decided on at the budget workshop.
The Born Learning Trail is an interactive, playful and visible community tool designed to help early learning. It captures 10 fun outdoor games on engaging signs to create learning opportunities for a young child. Julie Smith with the United Way is looking for a place to put the trail. The United Way will have the funds to pay for the project. Schneweis moved to support and locate an area for the project. Michaelis seconded with all in favor.
Mel Waite passed out the budget worksheets and began the discussion on the 2014 budget. There was a budget study session earlier this month.
The city will be contracting with the County to seal all of Main Street. Michaelis moved to authorize Mayor Urban sign the contract with the County. Kelly seconded with all in favor.
Michaelis moved, Schneweis seconded with all in favor to approve the following water reconnect fees over a 12 month period: first, reconnect fee -$25; second, reconnect fee -$50; third reconnect fee -$75; and $25 increased increments thereafter. Reconnects after working hours an additional $25. Water deposit increased to $75.
The NCYC (National Catholic Youth Conference) would like to use the small room of the Community Center to hold their meetings every other Wednesday evening starting in September. Schneweis moved to allow them to use it without charge. Michaelis seconded with all in favor.
Kelly moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:55 p.m. Schneweis seconded with all in favor.
This summary of the minutes is subject for approval at the next council meeting.
City of Claflin meets