HOISINGTON — The Hoisington City Council, at its regular meeting on Monday, discussed at length the issue of trash carts being left at the curb all week, particularly on the east side of town, south of 9th Street.
Council member Dean Andereck said that leaving the carts by the curb all week makes Hoisington look tacky. The council discussed the addition of fines for carts left on the curb for more than a couple of days.
The council decided to request residents remove the carts from the curb, and that if that doesn’t work, to discuss the issue of penalties at a later date.
In other business, the council approved paying trolley driver’s wages. The driver’s are currently volunteers, but the city has received a grant that will allow for wages to be paid for one year.
Currently, the service operates with one paid dispatcher and volunteer drivers. Recently, the city has provided an employee one day a week due to a lack of volunteers.
As a part of the grant, drivers will have to be drug tested and have to undergo a Kansas Department of Transportation physical.
The council approved resolution 12-2013 concerning the property at 851 W. 2nd Street. It was determined to be dangerous, unsafe or unfit for human habitation and the owners were given until Dec. 31, 2013 to begin repair or removal.
The city has received the Kansas Municipal Insurance Trust Gold Star for employee safety. City Manager Jonathan Mitchell congratulated city staff for their safety efforts. The city will save five percent on its insurance premiums.
Mitchell also reported that the city has ordered street signs that are required to meet federal reflectivity standards. What has been ordered will replace one-third of the signs in town. Mitchell said that the mandate will require the city to replace all of its street signs over the next few years.
Mitchell also informed the council that for the next Labor Day event, the Roto-Mix Roundup committee has worked to secure an artist and is discussing whether to have an indoor or outdoor concert.
The next city council meeting will be moved to Nov. 12 due to the Veteran’s Day holiday.
Council requests trash carts be put away