Jalie Krom, no drivers license, continued to Aug. 9
Bryce Anderson, no proof insurance, continued to Aug. 9
Chad Schumacher, speeding 42/30, failed to appear
Ricardo Castellanos, obstructing legal process of official duty, fine $250, court costs $55.50
Keith Fritz, theft of a gas meter, fine $500, court costs $55.50
Jill Moore, curfew violation, fine $25, court costs $55.50
Daniel Immediato, possession of tobacco, fine $25, court costs $55.50
Emily Noblitt, driving while suspended, failed to appear
Emily Noblitt, driving while suspended, failed to appear
Travis Tate, junk vehicle, court costs $55.50
Charles Thomas, loud music, continued to Aug,. 9
Jayson Standlee, vicious animal, fine $25, court costs $55.50
Jayson Standlee, dog at large, fine $25