HOISINGTON — Card players learn the basics of bridge, or sharpen bridge skills with free "Modern Style Basic Bridge" lessons. A two-part series of bridge lessons will be offered on two consecutive Wednesdays, March 16 and 23 at 5-6 p.m. If you can, stay and play a couple hands after the lesson, enjoy a glass of wine, and have your questions answered.
"Modern Style Basic Bridge" will be taught. Beginners can learn the basics. Experienced players can refresh their memory and/or enhance their bidding skills. Whatever your level, everyone will learn something helpful. The concepts of good hand evaluation will be taught. Learn how to evaluate quick tricks, suit qualities, and learn to add assets and subtract liabilities. Learn the quick rules of whether "To Open or Not to Open." Learn when to break the rules, communicate more efficiently, know your limits, and bid successfully with less.
On March 16, modern hand evaluation will be taught. On March 23, to open or not to open will be the subject. Both classes will be held at 354 W. 9th St. in Hoisington. Please RSVP to switty@cox.net , Sharon 620-793-5214 or Sandi 620-653-4008.