Heavy lifters On March 22, Art Keffer of Ellinwood along with former Ellinwood resident David Tudor, competed at the 2014 Kansas State Powerlifting Championships, which were held in Salina, Kansas. Keffer and Tudor competed in the unequipped squat, benchpress, deadlift and three lift total. With only a lifting belt and knee wraps Keffer squatted 661 pounds, benchpressed 441 pounds and deadlifted 601 pounds, which gave him a total of 1703 pounds lifted in the three lifts. Tudor also did well, squatting 570 pounds, benchpressing 275 pounds and deadlifting 630 pounds, giving him a total of 1475 pounds. Keffer competed in the unequipped 275 pound Masters 2 class (age 50-59) and Tudor competed in the unequipped 308 pound Novice class. Keffer received top lifter honors by lifting more weight on a pound vs. body weight formula. - photo by COURTESY PHOTO Latest Kudos for Dudek's koi paintings Catch monarchs at Quiviras Monarch Mania Sunflower Diversified pancake dinner sets new record Ellinwood Municipal Court Docket - June 14