Hoisington Municipal Court Docket - July 5
Kyleigh Bunger, seat belts required, fine $10
Kimberly K. Byers, dog at large, failed to appear
Chance E. Demel, seat belts required, fine $10
Charles R. Dickerson, spilling loads on highways prohibited, fine 450, court costs, 85
Lonnie D. Philbern, health nuisance, continued to July 19
Luke L. Rios, minor in consumption of alcohol, hearing Aug. 2
Nicholas A. Rose, no proof of insurance, dismissed upon proof
Lance Shephard, seat belts required, fine $10
Michael Shives, seat belts required, continued to July 19
Chazz Stephens, seat belts required, failed to appear
Brett Stubby, seat belts required, fine $10
Hoisington municipal court