HOISINGTON — The Hoisington VFW Auxiliary met on June 12.
It was noted due to the upcoming sale of the VFW building, the American Legion has offered the VFW and Auxiliary the use of its building for meetings. This was accepted.
The Auxiliary has concerns about rumors circulating that there is no longer a VFW Auxiliary. The Auxiliary is still active. The building is being sold only.
Installation of new officers for 2013-14 was conducted by Past District 7 President Susan Boyle. They are: President, Shelly Burhenn; Senior Vice President, Linda Ruble; Secretary, Tanya Piland, and Treasurer Donita Crutcher.
Scholarships were awarded to the following Hoisington High School seniors: Cody Richter, Jenna Phelps, Kayla Reisner, Matraca Ochs annd Taryn Radenberg.
Donations were made to the Chamber of Commerce parade candy fund and to the National VFW Home for Children Birthday Fund. American flags and Auxiliary flags were donated to St. John Cemetery.
Labor Day was discussed. The Auxiliary will be in the parade and have a concession stand at the Legion.
The next meeting will be at 7 p.m. on Ju.y 10 at the American Legion and members are welcome.
Hoisington VFW Auxiliary meets