HOISINGTON — Someone in Hoisington is improperly disposing of hazardous waste and the result was a city waste collector was injured from muriatic acid during the Thursday route, the city council heard at its regular meeting on Monday.
“The guys took it to the landfill with a respirator,” Paul Zecha, public works supervisor, reported. This is not the first time waste collectors have encountered hazardous waste on the Thursday route.
Hazardous waste is to be disposed of at the Barton County Landfill, not in regular trash bins. “I told the guys to keep a closer eye on the Thursday route,” said Zecha. Waste collection is a dangerous job, he said. Muriatic acid is used for cleaning brick or swimming pools and is an etching acid.
In other business, the council passed a resolution stating that the house and garage at 469 W. Second St. were dangerous, unsafe or unfit for human habitation. The owners have until May 25 to begin repair or removal of the house and garage.
The city will purchase a pool lift for those with disabilities. It is a chair that swivels. The current ramp in the pool does not have the right slope for the requirements, but it will be left in place for use by patrons.
The new life will be battery operated. The cost is $7,616.
The city will pursue a Geometric Improvement Grant through the Kansas Department of Transportation for fiscal year 2015 for reconstruction of Main Street between Sixth and Ninth Street.
The council approved an engineering study on a sewage lift station for the west side of Hoisington. The old lift station was put installed in 1978. It is built into the water table and there have been problems with it over the years. The cost is $1,500.
Council members were given a list of council priorities for the upcoming year. Members will rank such items at maintaining current parks and improvements, and economic development in order of importance.
In final business, the council:
•Heard from a juvenile that defaced property at the park. She came and apologized as a part of Juvenile Justice Authority.
•The city approved purchase of a used 2001 Jeep for $7,000 for a city employee vehicle.
•Passed a blood borne pathogen policy.
Muriatic acid disposal creates hazardous waste