ELLINWOOD — The USD 355 School Board, at its regular meeting Monday night, agreed to take another step in the iPad initiate. Currently, about twenty percent of the certified staff have iPads. The board agreed to buy approximately 30 more so that the remaining staff would have an iPad.
Superintendent Ben Jacobs said that the plan is to begin providing iPads to all students kindergarten through grade 12 in the next year.
In other business, Jacobs met with an engineer to look at the track. The asphalt track was constructed in 1986. An evaluation by Schwab Eaton showed that the track was in fair to good condition, although a few of the cracks go all the way though the asphalt. It needs patches in other areas.
“Our track will not be cheap to fix,” said Ben Jacobs, superintendent.
The cost of fencing, replacing asphalt, new bleachers and a press box, with sidewalks and various other improvements was roughly estimated at $315,000. With a non-porous poluurethane system, event striping and the engineering fee, the total estimated cost would be $558,000. Jacobs said the improvements might need to be done in phases. No action was taken at the meeting.
There will be no fee increases for the next school year, although when the iPad initiative comes into place for students, the board is considering adding a technology fee.
The board agreed to go with the Southwest Plains Regional Service Center Evaluation Tool for teachers. It is now required that each school must now have a teacher’s evaluation.
The board approved three FBLA members attending the national conference in Anaheim, Calif.
Ellinwood Principal Eric Sjogren reported that student Emily Frakes scored 100 percent on her reading and her science assessments.
Full-time foreign language teacher Kayla Springer was non-renewed due to low enrollment in foreign language classes. She will be offered a half-time position.
The board approved four-day work weeks for summer.
The board heard:
•Angela Peterson has been nominated for the Kansas Teacher of the Year. She will be recognized at the Region 1 Banquet in Salina.
•Jacobs was elected as vice president of the KSHSSA executive board.
Supplemental contracts
•EHS cross country, Lyles Lashley; assistant cross country; tennis, Kyle Kroeker and Lyle Stickney, asst. tennis, Leroy Thill; cheer-dance, Shelby Ringering;
Football, Dusty Beam, assistants: K. Kroeker and Andy Wesner; volleyball, Laurie Feist, assistants: Sharon Gatton and Amanda Proffitt; girls head basketball; boys basketball, Dustin Klassen, assistants, basketball: K. Kroeker and Trevor Bieberle; track, L. Lashley, assistants: Troy Prosser, Monte Doll, Shelly Ramsey and Dusty Beam; golf, Greg Maxwell, assistant A. Wesner; softball and assistant; and summer weight lifting: D. Beam and D. Klassen.
Video production-technology, Ryan Koetter, and content, Lesli Taylor; Scholar’s Bowl, Connie Mitchum; National Honor Society, Sheri Holmes; Student Council, Steve Oelke; FBLA, Lorie Betts; Co-junior class sponsors, C. Mitchum and D. Beam; stage production, Leon Sobba; Kay Club Sponsor, Julie Blakeslee and Kelsie Harmon; musical staging director, Sharon Sturgis; Foreign Language Club, Kayla Springer; musical director, Meredith Duling;
•EMS: football, T. Bieberle; volleyball, Katherine Mountain; boys basketball; girls basketball; scholar’s bowl, C. Mitchum; boys and girls tennis; track coach, Sharon Gatton;
•EMS/EHS NCA/QPA co-chair, Kent Blakeslee
•EGS, NCA/QPA co-chair Laurie Feist;
•Stipends: EGS Title I Evelyn Stegman; debate/forensic asst.;
•Curriculum Extension; K. Blakeslee, FFA; L. Taylor, yearbook; Don Regehr, instrumental music; M. Duling, vocal music, EHS/EGS; Shelly Ramsey vocal music EGS; Vance Stegman, debate/forensics.
USD 355 board taking steps for iPad initiative