ELLINWOOD — At its regular meeting on Monday, USD 355 School Board discussed the K-12 iPad initiative. The information was for discussion only, but under consideration is providing each child K-12 with an iPad. The goal is to roll out iPads in the next year.
Teacher Julie Ann Jacobs attended the iPad summit recently at Inman. She said use of the iPad would teach digital citizenship and make the students 21st century learners.
J. Jacobs is setting up web tutorials, app reviews, and blogs and is willing to work one-on-one with teachers to help them understand the iPad. She noted that students are shifting away from desktop computers and laptops to mobile devices.
Superintendent Ben Jacobs said that it is a rare district that has K-12 iPads.
In other business, the board accepted the resignation of board member Lori Thomas who has been a board member since 2007. She resigned effective June 10, 2013 for personal reasons.
Band Director Don Regehr requested permission to take EHS band to take a trip to Branson, Mo. in the spring of 2014. The students will perform a pre-show at the Dixie Stampede. They will also visit museums, Silver Dollar City, see a show and eat at some restaurants. The school district will provide the activity bus and a driver.
The students raise the remainder of the funds. This item was approved.
At the district’s administrative retreat in Kansas City, much was accomplished for the next school year without distractions, said Principal Eric Sjogren. The board approved use of district funds for the retreat at a previous meeting.
The superintendent said the school lunch program was going well.
The fee schedule will remain the same for next school year with the exception of a technology fee with the iPads, which has not been determined.
The board is considering moving the superintendent’s office to the west wing of the school. Preliminary drawings have been presented.
The Eagle Excellence award went to Richard Doll for four years of service on the school board.
The school board hired:
•Lisa Phillips as EHS assistant cross country coach; EHS assistant football coach Kyle Kriegh; EHS basketball coach Kyle Kriegh;
•EMS assistant football coach Steve Oelke; EMS head girl’s basketball Greg Maxwell; and EMS assistant girl’s basketball Tyson Revell.
USD 355 considers iPad initiative for K-12