On the morning before the United Way of Central Kansas’ 2014 kick-off event, there will be something new targeting a slightly younger crowd.
Saturday, Aug. 17, youth participants ages 19 and under are invited to participate in the first ever “Caribbean Cool Fun Run.” This 5K color run and one-mile color run/walk will be held in Veterans Memorial Park, with registration at 7:30 a.m.
Participants from Barton and Pawnee counties can pre-register for $20 per person (before Friday, Aug. 9) to be guaranteed a T-shirt. All entries include a granola bar and water.
Walk-in registrations are welcome on event day.
The event will start and end at Vets. The starting line will be at the southeast corner playground and the finish line will be at the north side parking lot.
Donations will also be accepted from parents of children taking part. All proceeds go to UWCK.
The idea was the brainchild of Tatum Dunekack, said UWCK Executive Director Julie Bugner-Smith. The idea was to get young people involved in charitable work.
“The kids want to give back,” she said. But, “there is a stigma attached to volunteering.
“There’s not much for kids only,” she said. Now, they hope to dispel that myth.
Volunteers are also being sought to help with the run. To do so, contact Dunekack at tdunkack@cox.net or Linn Hogg with Volunteers in Action at hoggl@tbccc.edu.
To register online, go to www.uwck.org/Events.
Color run to start UWCK opening weekend