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County departments stay busy
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Barton County Departments submit a bi-weekly activity report of statistical information or a summary of services. County Administrator Richard Boeckman presented highlights from the most recent reports to the County Commission Monday morning.
Below is a recap of the activities.
 Road and Bridge Director Dale Phillips
• Asphalt work continues in the Odin area and northeast of Hoisington. Road patching and resurfacing is also being performed.
• Bridge and culvert work was completed two miles east of Beaver. One large half railroad tank culvert was installed in place of a collapsed 72-inch round culvert. Earth work completed the project.

 Solid Waste Manager Mark Witt
Second Quarter 2012 waste disposal report
• 6,299.96 tons of municipal solid waste
• 1,352.68 tons of construction/demolition waste
• 1,264.17 tons of special waste
• 619 tires received for disposal/reclaiming/recycling
• $295,819.60 in revenue generated through disposal
• 3,283 loads of waste received for disposal or recycling
• 14 uncertified CFC (Freon containing) appliances received for evacuation/disposal
• 8,916.81 tons of waste subject to KDHE Quarterly Tonnage Fee ($1.00 per ton)
• 10.38 tons of electronics transferred to Rice County E-waste Recycling Facility (recycling disposal fee of $0.10 per pound or $2,076.00 paid through Solid Waste Fund)
• 10.67 tons of mattresses (approximately 400) transferred to Hutchinson Correctional Facility for recycling
Solid Waste staff continues to see a strong response to the recent addition of the Medication Disposal Program offered through Barton County’s Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Program. Staff have also been busy with daily disposal and recycling operations.

Amy Miller, emergency risk management\records
• Miller attended a Regional Planning Workshop presented by the Kansas Division of Emergency Management in Hays on June 20 and 21. The workshop was developed to offer a better understanding of how to share and comprehend roles and responsibilities before, during and after an incident. The 2012 Kansas Planning Standards were reviewed and explained. The Kansas Planning Standards provide the framework and requirements on what County Emergency Operations Plans must contain to receive approval from the Kansas Division of Emergency Management. An overview of the planning process for County emergency operations plans and the use of Emergency Support Function planning teams was also discussed.
• The Kansas Highway Patrol completed an on-site monitoring visit on June 11. As part of the Kansas Homeland Security Preparedness Grant Program, the agency is required to do on-site monitoring of equipment that has been purchases with Homeland Security grant funds. All equipment was located and verified in Barton County.
The Barton County Records Management Department had 207 visitors call, write, e-mail or walk in from Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, Iowa, South Dakota, Colorado and Ohio.
• There were 311 requests for Probates, Birth Records, Criminal, Civil, Domestic, Death and Cemetery Records, Limited Actions, Marriage Licenses, Traffic, State Tax and Naturalization Records.
• Department personnel updated the records of Burials, Quit Claims, Lot Deeds and Markers for Hillcrest and Golden Belt cfor the month of June.
• Records staff entered the 2000 Small Claims cases into the AS 400. There were 141 Small Claims cases which contained 11,370 documents. The 2000 Probate cases were also entered into the AS 400. There were 200 Probates for the year 2000 and over 12,600 documents in those cases.
• In addition, records staff continued filming the year 2000 Criminal Cases from the 20th Judicial District Court and creating an Index List for the cases.
• The oil companies continue to request information from Probates. There were the usual number of requests for Marriage Licenses for Social Security and Insurance purposes.
• A man from Maineville, Ohio, requested death and cemetery records for his great grandfather who is buried in Lakin-Commanche Cemetery. The great grandfather arrived in the United States in 1876. Records also found marriage licenses for three of his great grandfather’s children.

Information Technology Director John Debes
• Monitoring the TTC, exchange servers and sonic wall firewall continues. During this period, Lightspeed stopped 5,073 spam messages, 46 viruses, two intrusions and six spyware attempts.
• Continue working on the extraction issue with MOVRS. The property tax totals do not always balance back to the daily totals printed from the new motor vehicle software system used by the Barton County Treasurer’s Office. The Appraisers Office would like to extract information on heavy trucks, 16 & 20M trucks and ATVs. These problems continue across the State.
• The first appearance video conference project continues. The required television has been installed and the HDMI cable will be installed when the Courtroom is not in use. Efforts continue to secure other users.
Health Department Director Lily Akings
Clinic visits total, 276
Family Planning, 70
Immunizations, 99
Maternal and Infant , 33
Communicable Disease, 3
Adult Health, 07
Healthy Start , 16
Sexually Transmitted Disease, 13
Tuberculosis, 26