Jury selection in Barton County starts with a list of driver license records from the Kansas Department of Revenue, Division of Motor Vehicles, consisting of regular and commercial license holders in local zip codes. Mary Gaston, Clerk of the District Court of Barton County, explains this procedure is outlined by state law.
Gaston’s explanation of how juries are selected was released at the request of attorneys defending Adam Longoria. Motions and journal entries for the case can be found online at http://www.kscourts.org/State-v-longoria/default.asp
A group of 500 potential jurors is drawn randomly by a computer program, and they are each sent a letter and one-page questionnaire. It asks such questions as "Are you at least 18 years of age?" and "Are you able to understand the English language?" The clerk has the authority to determine who is qualified for jury duty and also has the authority to consider requests by jury panelists to be excused.
Prior to the beginning of a jury trial, the judge decides how many jury panelists need to be called. Persons called for jury duty in a capital proceeding are notified the same as in any other trial, except that a great number is chosen.
The prospective juror panel is drawn randomly by the computer from the available group qualified before. Those people receive an extended questionnaire which is prepared by the trial judge. Questionnaires are not a public record and are only made available to court personnel and those trying the case. The determination to excuse some from the jury pool now rests with the trial judge.
Jurors are paid $10 per day for their service. Those living outside the city limits are paid mileage at the state rate. No one is required to serve as a juror more than once in a 12-month period.