Smoky Hill EAA Chapter #1127 will host a Young Aagle Day on Saturday at the Ellsworth Airport. Young people age 8 to 17 are welcome to experience a demonstration flight in an airplane. The flights are provided free of charge to any youth wishing to participate. Registration and flights will begin at 9 a.m. and continue until 1 p.m. Each youth must have a signed permission form from their parent/guardian. Forms are available from chapter members or can be filled out Saturday.
Each Young Eagle flight takes place in an FAA registered airplane flown by a licensed pilot. The flight is conducted according to federal regulations. No aerobatices or nonstandard manuevers will be performed.
The Young Eagle program has been developed by the EAA Aviation Foundation to welcome young people into the world of aviation. Your child will experience a safe and enjoyable flight that will give new perspectives on the world and life in general.
Since 1993, volunteer EAA pilots have flown more than one million two hundred five thousand young eagles.
Information is available by calling area members, Larry Farmer at 785-825-1256 or Dale Weinhold 785-472-4309. Also you can e-mail or
EAA Chapter to give airplane rides to youth