Great Bend City Sanitarian Gregg Vannoster presented the following report for 2013 to the City Council Monday night:
Total Number of Complaints: 1,223
• Overgrown vegetation: 474, 39 percent
• Accumulation of refuse: 446, 36 percent
• Motor Vehicle Nuisance: 255, 21 percent
• Graffiti: 8, 1 percent
• Animal waste: 10, 1 percent
• Harboring animals/fowl: 3, .5 percent
• Sewer/storm water violations: 3, .5 percent
• Trees, shrubbery, hedges: 17, 1 percent
• Illegal dumping -police cases: 7, 1 percent
Other statistics:
• Complaints resulting in “no violation” status: 17
• Citizen complaints: 307, 25 percent
• Self-initiated: 891, 73 percent
• City staff/ council: 25, 2 percent
• ‘Registered receipt’ letters Sent: 301
• Abatements performed: 83: overgrown vegetation - 76, 92 percent; accumulation of refuse - 5, 6 percent; and motor vehicle nuisance - 2, 2 percent.
• Mowed 48 properties at least once during the year
• Vehicles Brought into Compliance, 311
• Properties Still Pending, 5
Special Events / Projects
• Created “Quick Reference Guide “ sheet
• Painted 150-plus light poles around city square & downtown area
• Obtained Commercial Applicator’s Certification
This will be an exciting weekend, the Great Bend City Council learned Monday night. The Miss Barton County and Miss Golden Belt pageant is this Saturday.
In a report to the council, Community Coordinator Christina Hayes said there are nine girls registered and two titles will be given away each with a $1,000 scholarship. The winners will then go to compete and represent this area for the Miss Kansas Pageant in June.
The pageant came up as part of City Administrator Howard Partington’s update on city departmental activities. Other highlights were:
Public Works
• From the streets to the Water Treatment Facility, snow removal dominated the activity for the Public Works Department.
• Sanitarian: 1,223 complaints for 2013, no new complaints, six complaints completed by citizens and one car into compliance.
• Chief Dean Akings and Sgt. Gary Davis had another successful New Year’s Eve Taxi Service. Akings said they handled 32 passengers.
• D.A.R.E. classes have begun for Central Kansas Christian Academy, and Park, and Riley elementary schools.
• The City of Great Bend, Great Bend Tribune and United Way of Central Kansas were all set up to host the first annual, “Light to Unite” bike, run, walk event through the Trail of Lights when the snow and cold weather created a reason to cancel. This will be a winter event around the holidays that we will try again for next year.
• Hayes is assisting the unification of retail stores and the Kansas Wetlands Education Center to host the Cheyenne Bottoms Coloring Contest, each school is assigned a store and winners will be chosen per school. This is the third year for the contest and all entities are happy with the sharing and collaboration.
• The Icy Sidewalk Sale is set for 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 18. Twenty-one retail stores are participating in this effort to get rid of winter items and get ready for spring inventory.