Community Coordinator Christina Hayes met with the K-96 Regional June Jaunt Committee, plans are coming along nicely, she said.
The fourth-annual jaunt is set for June 5-7 and will again feature special events in seven counties and eight communities along a 180 mile stretch on K-96. Communities participating are Tribune, Leoti, Scott City, Dighton, Ness City, Rush Center, Great Bend and Ellinwood, and featured will be arts, antiques, crafts, music and cuisine.
Kansas Magazine did not feature June Jaunt on the front cover like city officials were originally told, but Hayes said it did have an article that included a picture of Great Bend’s Cruise Night as part of last year’s June Jaunt.
The June Jaunt update was part of City Administrator Howard Partington’s departmental report. Other items were:
• The Contractor placed his erosion control barrier last week in preparation of the paving activities for the Prairie Rose Drive extension in the Amber Meadows Subdivision. The contractor anticipates beginning the site grading activities for the street this week.
• Lee is reviewing plans for the Cancer Center addition, site plans for the Holiday Inn and plans for the re-piping of the HVAC at the High Rise.
• Inspector Mark Orth and the Fire Department shifts conducted building surveys of two different buildings.
• Code enforcement officer Stuart Baker and City Sanitarian Gregg Vannoster continue to meet with landlords along with researching software for code enforcement.
• Firefighter Kris Staton attended a two day class on Decision Making for Initial Company Operations.
• Held department meeting to review accomplishments for 2014 and to set goals for 2015.
Public Works
• Salted and sanded streets this morning due to snow.
• Repaired fire hydrant at Broadway and McKinley.
• Moving sample testing sites for 2015 testing.
• Yearly flood control out-fall inspections
• Cleaned pond lines for the Park Department (bypass lines).
• Gave the Park school fifth grade Waste Water Treatment Plant tour.
• Sanitarian: 79 year to date complaints, 40 new complaints (three per citizens and 37 by staff), nine complaints completed by citizens, three abatement notices sent and six vehicles into compliance.
• Vannoster and Assistant Sanitarian Tom Holmes, along with Baker went to Garden City and Hays to view computer programs each city is using to track run-down housing.
• Lt. Bill Browne and Sgts. Gary Davis, Jason Settle and Jay Bachar attended the class on “Gaining and Maintaining Supervisory Excellence” in Hutchinson.
• Captain Bob Robinson and Browne attended the monthly Family Crisis Center meeting.
• Robinson and Browne attended officer Jacob Williamson’s graduation at Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center.
• The department will be conducting active shooter training.
• Hayes worked with the Great Bend Police Department to create a video for window tinting dangers, and is city officials are discussing website enhancement plans and overall community needs from the department.
• Hayes is assisting the Kansas Oil and Gas Museum with their promotions of the Hall of Fame Induction ceremony April 11, marketing plan and promotions. The city is hoping to return the overall oil and gas convention to Great Bend next year.
• City Administrator Howard Partington, Human Resources Director Terry Hoff, Parks Superintendent Scott Keeler, Hayes, and Diann Henderson and Chris Umphres from the Great Bend Recreation Commission are continuing to work on KCAC planning and preparation for baseball and softball championship at the Great Bend Sports Complex.
Plans forming for June Jaunt