GBRC budget information
The 2011-2012 audit for the Great Bend Creation Commission shows the following cash receipts:
Taxes: Ad valorem $686,653, delinquent $20,285, motor vehicle $104,410.
Program revenues: Aquatics $11,461, sports and fitness $67,120, leisure $23,885, special needs $11,958, senior activities $4,653, special activities $37,006.
Other revenues: Facility rentals $4,644, concessions $839, membership and fees $12,793, interest $1,095, donations $100, other (includes sale of former building used for fitness classes) $22,669.
Expenditures: Personal service $451,621, contractual $199,696, commodities $102,064, capital outlay $52,509 and contingency $16,570.
The employee benefits fund had $162,201 unencumbered cash on June 30, 2012. Liability for accumulated vacation and sick leave was $9,529.
Minimum annual payments on the lease for the Great Bend Activity Center are $63,827.
The Great Bend Recreation Commission ended its last fiscal year with more than $1 million in the bank, board members were told Monday. Curtis Kuhn with D. McMillen Chartered certified public accounting firm of Great Bend presented an audit report that showed no irregularities.
The fiscal year ended June 30, 2012. GBRC had over $1,023,00 in checking accounts and certificates of deposit, an increase of more than $200,000 from 2011. Income was more than $20,000 greater than budgeted, while expenditures were more than $82,000 under budget, Kuhn said. While a reserve of $500,000 to $600,000 is recommended, he noted the board has indicated it may want to use some of its excess funds to pay down debt on the Great Bend Activity Center.
The recreation commission board elected new officers, retaining Dr. Marc Huslig as president and Leonard Kaiser as vice president. Pollie Unruh was named board secretary, replacing Bruce Hofeling, whose term on the board ended in December. James Newman was recognized as the newest board member.
In other business, the board approved changes to the GBRC bylaws. This was the second reading for the proposed changes, which reflect computer upgrades and other technology not available when the bylaws were created in 1982. The amendments will allow electronic payments and receipts, and will allow board members to receive electronic notice of upcoming agenda, instead of getting their information through the mail.
Program Coordinator Megan Hammeke reported 136 special needs clients attended the Christmas dance in December. As for senior programs, Fit for Life met 12 times with 299 participants – an average of 25 people per class.
Sports Coordinator Chris Umphres reported basketball programs are wrapping up and sign-up is starting for adult volleyball and for indoor soccer. The indoor soccer program has grown to be GBRC’s second-largest sports program, behind baseball.
Leisure Program Coordinator Garet Fitzpatrick said the Middle School dance will be this Friday. Entries are still being accepted for snow sculptures and the longest pheasant tail feather.
For the month of December, there were 4,063 people enrolled in programs sponsored by the GBRC. Total participation was 9,480, of which 1,865 were spectators. GBRC offers 997.27 hours of supervised activities. This compares to December 2011, which saw 3,953 enrollments; total participation was 6,661, including 2,984 spectators.