The Kansas Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program has added Great Bend’s Summer Street Stroll Farmers Market as a site for the 2013 market season said Janel Rose, chronic disease risk reduction coordinator, Barton County Health Department. “Our community was fortunate to be selected to participate in this valuable resource.”
The program will provide $20 in checks for income-qualifying seniors age 60 and older to use throughout the summer to purchase locally grown fresh fruits, vegetables, and honey at the Summer Street Stroll Farmers Market on Thursday evenings from 5-8 p.m., Rose said. Interested seniors must apply, be approved, receive checks, and purchase the eligible foods from Kansas Department of Health and Environment-licensed vendors, who will display the proper signage at their booths at the farmers market.
Any Barton County senior who is interested in applying may do so 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Thursday, June 20, at the Great Bend Senior Center, 2005 Kansas, on a first come, first served basis.
“Not only will this program improve seniors’ diet and nutrition, it will bring additional dollars into our community and local market,” said Janet Splitter, executive director of ElderCare and Friendship Meals. The program is expected to provide at least $2,000 worth of fresh fruits and vegetables for seniors this season in Barton County.
The local Kansas Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program is being provided through collaboration between Rose, the CDRR Program, Barton County Health Department, and Splitter.
For more information on the Kansas Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program, contact Rose at Barton County Health Department, 620-793-1902, or
Senior nutrition program adds local farmers market as site