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USD 428 BOE seeks bids for GBMS gym
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Members of the USD Board of Education heard and approved an alternate plan for the much anticipated gymnasium addition at Great Bend Middle School at the July 9 board meeting.
 Two representatives from Horst, Terrill, and Karst Architects, Charles Sexton and Don Pruitt, were on hand to explain the proposal and answer questions.   After local engineers with EBH examined the plan preferred by board members last month, they determined that the cost for moving underground utilities would add $200,000 to the cost of the project.  Monday night’s proposal, which included a plan to site the addition differently, along with some related minor changes, minimized these costs and increased accessibility to the proposed FEMA shelter.  
“Based on the budget and the cost of relocating the utilities, I’d say overall we would recommend Option I because you are missing the utilities, the cost is less, circulation is good, and you have two access points (to the shelter).,” Pruitt said.  Board members agreed, and gave their approval to seek bids for the addition, including an option to use brick instead of metal for the exterior.  
Dan Brungardt, Director of Business and Operations presented changes to the 2012-2013 Health Insurance plan which the board will vote on at a budget meeting to be held on July 17.   The changes included a proposal to increase the amount the district would pay on health insurance claims before reinsurance kicks in, from the current $65,000 to $75,000.  This will keep the cost of reinsurance down for the district.  Though the number of claims went down overall for the district last year, there were a few claims that exceeded the amount that the district covers, and that prompted the proposed rate increase.  Brungardt also asked the board to consider a proposal for a health wellness plan for the district.  Brungardt also unveiled the 2012-2013 budget study, which will be discussed in depth at the July 17 meeting.  
  The Board of Education nominated Dwight Young for president and Kevin Mauler for vice-president for the 2012-2013 school year.  The following appointments and designations were approved:
•Board clerk, Records Custodian and KPERS representative, Dan Brungardt; assistant clerk, Patty Vratil; treasurer, Margaret Evers; assistant treasurer, Shannon King; food service representative, Karl Sprague.
•USD 428 Superintendent Dr. Tom Vernon recommended all learning center principals and assistant principals continue serving as designated truancy officers as they have in the past.  Vernon will continue to serve as the hearing officer for free and reduced.
•Randy Wetzel, Dan Brungardt and Christie Gerdes will serve as federal and state grant representatives since they play major roles in grant areas.  Gerdes, as well as John Popp will also serve as representatives for Title VI, Title VII and Title IX and Section 404 representatives.  They already play major roles in district compliance with these pieces of legislation.
•Board member Kevin Mauler will continue to serve as the USD 428 Education Foundation representative, as well as the BOE representative to the GBHS Hall of Fame committee, the BOE representative to the supplemental salary committee, and along with board member Dwight Young, will continue to serve on the 2013 interest-based bargaining team for teacher negotiation.  Young will serve as the KASB Governmental Relations Network representative, and Deb Hoffman will continue to serve as the district’s Freedom of Information Director.  

Other items discussed included:
•John Popp presented a report of the Professional Development Council, and a calendar of upcoming training and meetings for the coming school year.
•Brungardt gave an update on maintenance projects.  The roofing project at GBMS is complete, and the carpeting project at that school is underway.  Approval was given to replace tile at entryways with heavy duty carpeting material.  Lincoln Elementary will have 14 additional off-street parking spaces for teachers.
•Superintendent Don Vernon asked for and received approval from the board to accept a contribution of $6,249 from the Great Bend Middle School Parent Booster Club.  The group donated the funds for the purchase of eight ActivBoard Smartboards for the middle school.  
•Vernon updated the board on progress toward GB Middle School Activities and Athletics League acceptance.  On August 7, GBMS will formally ask for acceptance into the league, and should know in September if their request is approved.
•The board approved a slate of 18 organizational procedures on the consent agenda.