Local authorities called in Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms agents from Wichita after a “suspicious-looking device” that resembled a pipe bomb was brought to the Great Bend Police Department by two concerned sisters Monday afternoon.
“We wanted to err on the side of caution,” said Great Bend Police Chief Dean Akings. The device “which had the appearance of a pipe bomb” was taken to a safe location and ATF notified.
After being e-mailed a photo of the wrapped-up tube, the agents arrived Monday evening. “They are going to evaluate it and if it is dangerous, they will destroy it,” Akings said. The item had not been disposed of as of presstime Monday night.
According to the police chief, the sisters were doing some cleaning in their mother’s place at 2012 32nd, apartment 1A, and going through some of their brother-in-law’s stuff when they came across the object. Akings declined to give the names of the women since none of them were suspected of any wrong doing.
At about 4 p.m., the sisters loaded the item into a pick-up truck and brought to the police department. “They were just concerned about some property left at their mother’s home.”
It had been handled several times, Akings said.
“There have been no threats made to anyone,” he said. So far, no one is suspected of a crime, and no charges have been filed.
The case remains under investigation and Akings said more information would be available today.
The ATF is a law-enforcement branch of the United States Department of Treasury.
Women find possible pipe bomb
ATF agents called in to evaluate device