LARNED — Janet Skelton welcomed members of the Alpha Kappa Master chapter in her home at 7 p.m. Oct. 9.
President Patty Smith called the meeting to order. Correspondence from Beta Sigma Phi International included the 3-Star Chapter Award, insurance information, and member eligibility with two members who are eligible to progress to the next degree. The Beta Drill highlight was on the service committee responsibilities.
Standing committee reports were given for service, courtesy and social committees.
The next social event will be on Wednesday, Oct. 11 with a luncheon trip to Rozel with additional socials to be on Nov. 12 to Great Bend for a performance at the Crest Theater and the Christmas Party Dec. 11 at the home of Alice Clapsaddle. During new business, discussion was held concerning local dues for the 2018-19 year.
Marcia King presented the program “Back Then and a Touch of Tomorrow” with pictures and artifacts of the past 30 years she recently unearthed. Members enjoyed viewing the changes in age, hair styles, clothing, and activities.
During the social hour refreshments were served with members visiting and catching up. The next meeting will be at the home of Glenna Melkus at 2 p.m. Nov. 13 with Margaret Larson presenting the program.
Alpha Kappa Master meets