Prince of Peace Parish’s St. Patrick Church, 4100 Broadway Ave., will host Grace and Gratitude — A Thanksgiving Retreat, today and Saturday, Nov. 21 and 22. The program will run from 7-9 p.m. tonight and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Nov. 22. The Saturday program of retreat and healing will include a light lunch. Participants should bring a pen and paper.
This retreat is intended for anyone seeking to understand what grace is, how to recognize it and how it works in your life; for those seeking to understand what a wonder you are and what it really means to be fulfilled; and for those seeking to appreciate the larger meaning of gratitude.
This program is presented by Grace that Reigns ( Presenters will be Bishop Emeritus of Dodge City, Ronald M. Gilmore, spiritual director of Grace that Reigns; and Jacqueline Loh, founder of the Grace that Reigns Society. They describe their ministry as “part of the new evangelization” that began in their unlikely meeting 10 years ago.
Loh is a landscape architect who grew up in Canada and was graced with certain of the charismatic gifts. Her work culminated in the Grace that Reigns Society in 2012.
The Most Rev. Gilmore, Bishop Emeritus of Dodge City, was touched by the Lord as a boy in rural Kansas. Be Still and Know (Psalm 46:10), is episcopal motto, reflects his desire for a life of contemplation that overflows into evangelism.
“Faith does not end in words,” the program sponsors note. “Faith ends in the very Reality of God. Faith takes us into the heart of the living, three-personed, God.”
Prepare for Thanksgiving at Grace and Gratitude Retreat