"WHATEVER YOU CHOOSE TO BE: 8 Tips for the Road Ahead," by Ann Romney, Shadow Mountain, $13.99, 41 pages (nf)
Ann Romney shares eight lessons targeted at graduates in Whatever You Choose to Be: 8 Tips for the Road Ahead.
The eight lessons include: Make Your Relationships a Priority, Do Someone a Favor, Do Your Present Job Well and Remember That Parenting is the Most Important Thing Youll Ever Do.
The others are Recognize That Everyone Has Problems, Live for a Purpose Greater Than Yourself, Do Something You Love Every Day and Live Bible Principles.
But this I can tell you with certainty: There is adventure ahead, Romney writes in the introduction. My guess is that most of us older folks would gladly trade places with you if we could. At this stage in life, the future is thrilling and filled with potential.
Each section is short, only a few pages long, and Romney is succinct yet conversational in every point of this book.
With each lesson, she shares experiences from her life, including life as a mother, having multiple sclerosis and a story from the campaign trail. She includes an experience or two that she didnt share with the graduates that day.
In the section on Remember That Parenting is the Most Important Thing Youll Ever Do, Romney shares how during her husbands campaign for governor of Massachusetts, he would spend one day a week doing someone elses job. He worked in a variety of places and jobs, including a hospital, a ballpark, a day care center, on a garbage truck and laying asphalt on a parking lot.
He said that far and away, the hardest job was working in the day care center, she writes.
For Do Someone a Favor, she writes that going out of your way to help other people is simply applying the golden rule: Treat others as you want to be treated. She adds: It will make you feel good, and it may also lead to earning some gold.
Whether one is a newly minted graduate or has lived a few years since graduating, the wife of former presidential candidate and Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney gives timeless advice to remember throughout life.
Ann Romney shares eight lessons targeted at graduates in Whatever You Choose to Be: 8 Tips for the Road Ahead.
The eight lessons include: Make Your Relationships a Priority, Do Someone a Favor, Do Your Present Job Well and Remember That Parenting is the Most Important Thing Youll Ever Do.
The others are Recognize That Everyone Has Problems, Live for a Purpose Greater Than Yourself, Do Something You Love Every Day and Live Bible Principles.
But this I can tell you with certainty: There is adventure ahead, Romney writes in the introduction. My guess is that most of us older folks would gladly trade places with you if we could. At this stage in life, the future is thrilling and filled with potential.
Each section is short, only a few pages long, and Romney is succinct yet conversational in every point of this book.
With each lesson, she shares experiences from her life, including life as a mother, having multiple sclerosis and a story from the campaign trail. She includes an experience or two that she didnt share with the graduates that day.
In the section on Remember That Parenting is the Most Important Thing Youll Ever Do, Romney shares how during her husbands campaign for governor of Massachusetts, he would spend one day a week doing someone elses job. He worked in a variety of places and jobs, including a hospital, a ballpark, a day care center, on a garbage truck and laying asphalt on a parking lot.
He said that far and away, the hardest job was working in the day care center, she writes.
For Do Someone a Favor, she writes that going out of your way to help other people is simply applying the golden rule: Treat others as you want to be treated. She adds: It will make you feel good, and it may also lead to earning some gold.
Whether one is a newly minted graduate or has lived a few years since graduating, the wife of former presidential candidate and Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney gives timeless advice to remember throughout life.